The following code of conduct applies to participation in The Big Sing Musical Improv Festival

Workshop Participants, Teachers (visiting and permanent), Performers, Volunteers, and Administrative Staff are expected to uphold these behavioural standards at all times to create a safe and welcoming environment for the benefit of all.

Questions or complaints can be discussed with any member of staff in person, in writing or anonymously via the feedback form.

Verbal or physical harassment of any kind will not be tolerated

No one should be subjected to unwelcome conduct because of their gender, race, religion, ethnicity, disability, sexual orientation or gender identity or expression. Reported or suspected intimidating, hostile or offensive behaviour will be confidentially investigated and appropriate action will be taken

Keep any physical contact (on and off stage) safe and socially appropriate.

Appropriate physical contact will be discussed at the beginning of each new class or course, and set rules are to be respected by all participants. Queries can be directed to the teacher or any member of staff at any time.

Communicate your boundaries and respect the boundaries of others,

keeping in mind that everyone ́s boundaries are different. While common sense applies, listen with an open mind if somebody else speaks up about their own needs, especially if they are different to your own. Working with strangers requires respect and empat

Speak up if something makes you uncomfortable,

or if you are aware that another participant may be uncomfortable. Let the teacher or staff member know in the moment, if possible, otherwise let them or another member of staff know privately, after the class, or in writing. All feedback is welcome and should be received by all as an opportunity for discussion and growth.

Play to the top of your intelligence and empathy,

making art that reflects the values shared in this code. Take care to make sure others are enjoying the same freedom of expression as you are.

Assume good will,

The BIG and the BIG Improv School communities are comprised of people from all walks of life, representing many different nationalities and cultures. While such variety can sometimes lead to clashes in understanding, people are hardly ever deliberately offensive, and we look at such occasions as opportunities for communication, empathy and learning